Google Display Ads Courses in Mohali

What is online display advertising?

Display advertising is a type of online advertising that comes in several forms, including banner ads, rich media and more. Unlike text-based ads, online display advertising relies on elements such as images, audio, and video to communicate an advertising message.

So, Online Display advertising is advertising on websites. It includes many different formats and contains items such as text, images, flash, video, and audio. The main purpose of online display advertising is to deliver general advertisements and brand messages to site visitors.

By the online display advertising, the promotional messages of the company appear on the third party sites. It can also appear in search engines result pages such as publishers or social networks.

Online Display Advertising

The online display advertising conveys the commercial message visually using different graphics. The advertisers of online display advertising target the users again and again with a particular feature to increase the effect of the ad.

According to the researchers, top activities of online users are sending and reading emails. Further, they use the search engine to find any type of stuff. In addition to this people also interact with the communities having same interests on social networks such as Facebook or Twitter.

So, this shows that there is a large opportunity for companies to reach out to the technically sound audience. This is the audience who is continuously interacting with the World Wide Web for their different interests.


Online Display Advertising

Google Display Network

Google Ad Words is split into two networks, the Search Network and the Display Network. When advertising on the Search Network, businesses place text ads in the search engine results.

On the Display Network, businesses instead place display ads on a huge network of sites across the internet.

Google Display Network is an interesting and important part of Google Ad words campaign management.

The Google Display Network consists of a group of more than a million websites, videos, and apps where your ads can appear. Your ads can be an auto-match to websites and other placements like mobile phone apps when your ad and landing pages are related to the content of the site. You can also choose to target specific sites, demographic groups and many more.

This means that by using Google Ad words campaign console, you can target websites based on keywords in their content or topics and/or place ads by site names.

GDN is a network of websites which run Google ads.

Online Display Advertising

How to target the customers by online display advertising?

Everyone wants to uniquely identify the targets by online display advertising. For this purpose, nowadays advertisers use cookies.

Cookies are unique identifiers of specific computers. It decides which ad is to serve to the particular consumer.

Cookies can track if the user left the page without buying anything. So the advertiser can later re-target the user with ads from the site which user visited.

The advertisers collect data from many external websites about user’s online activity.

Further, they combine this information to make a picture which is more of user’s interest and is more targeted.

Online Display Advertising

How to measure the success of online display advertising?

It is obvious that every organization uses online display advertising. But you have to keep some key points in mind while activating online display advertising. These points help you to measure the success of your online display advertising.

So, check out the below-mentioned points:

  • Reaching to the customers – Reach for online display advertisements are defined by the number of people who can potentially view your advertisement online. So, we can find out this by the number of visitors that visit the advertisement network that you are planning to use.
  • Click Rate – Generally, when we talk about the online marketing, the click rate shows the number of users that like your ad. Advertising agencies generally use it as a benchmark to know that how well the users receive their online campaign.
  • Bounce Rate – The bounce rate is the percentage of visits that go only to one page before exiting the site.
  • Conversion Rate – It tells you the percentage of the users that finally complete the action which the advertiser wants.
Online Display Advertising

Display advertising is a type of online advertising that comes in several forms, including banner ads, rich media and more.

Unlike text-based ads, online display advertising relies on elements such as images, audio, and video to communicate an advertising message.

This is a different type of google ad words advertisement.

It gains a super-fast credibility of usage in short-time as e-commerce websites are the prime customer of online display advertising.

If you need to know more about online display advertising you can search it on google for a brief explanation.

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