Online Reputation Management Courses in Mohali

What is online reputation management?

Online reputation management (ORM) is about improving or restoring your name or your brand’s good standing.

This is by countering, weakening or eliminating the negative material found on the Internet.

Defeating it with more positive material for improving your credibility and customers’ trust in you.

Further, the reputation management refers to the influencing and controlling of an individual’s or group’s reputation. However public relation terms, the growth of internet management and social media along with the reputation management companies have made search results a core part of an individual’s or group’s reputation.

Basically, it focuses on management of product and services search results within the digital space. Many electronic markets and online communities like e-Bay, AmazonAlibaba have built-in online reputation management system.

Online Reputation Management

Online reputation management (ORM) means taking control of the online conversation.

Its techniques and strategies ensure that people find the right materials when they look for you on the Internet.

Online Reputation Management (ORM) is a bit broader of a term and is used to specifically manage the online reputation of a person, place, thing, site, brand, etc

Online Reputation Management (ORM) is the act of monitoring, addressing or mitigating SERPs (search engine result pages) or mentions in online media and Web content.

It is of great importance to companies to monitor how someone or something is perceived based on an internet search.

Online Reputation Management

Why is online reputation management important?

The management of online reputation is important because the internet is our first stop for everything :

  • Two out of three people see the internet as the most reliable source of information about a person or a business.
  • 70% of hiring managers rejected candidates because of something they found online.
  • When looking for a local business, 97% people read online reviews.

SO in this course, we will understand the value of online reputation management.

How online reputation management will help us to increase the website sales.

We need to understand the concept of blog posts, review sites and settings, positive negative on our content, position in social media phase online & offline too just to make sure that we can maintain our online reputation management.

Online Reputation Management

Reputation management is the process of trying to shape public opinions about a person or an organization. This is done by influencing the information about that entity, primarily online.

However, reputation management involves the monitoring of the reputation of a person or a brand on the internet. It focuses on the content that can damage the reputation. Further, it uses customer feedback to try to solve the problem before they damage the person’s or brand’s reputation.

The major part of the Online Reputation Management is to suppress the negative search results and highlighting the positive search results.For business, reputation management generally involves a try to fill the gap between how a company sees itself and how others view it.

Online Reputation Management

Benefits Of Online Reputation Management –

  • If you have good Online Reputation Management then it guarantees that the intended message about a product or service, business, brand or profile is conveyed. It tells the good stories about your brand. Prospects will see positive stories about you.


  • The cost of Online Reputation Management is comparatively less than the expenses related to the online reputation harm.That is the fees require to manage the online profile or brand reputation is very low than the cost associated with lack of trust by customers.


  • The viral nature of the internet and the level of people participation online ha make the digital word of mouth a very powerful tool in increasing rank of your brand.