Google Analytic Courses in Mohali

Google Analytics

For tracking and reporting website traffic Google offered a web analytics service known as Google Analytics. It is the premium web analytics service launched by Google in November 2005 post acquiring the Urchin. In recent times Google Analytics has become most widely used web analytics service on the Internet.

Google Analytics is applied to the page tags. We refer it to Google Analytics Tracking Code. Website owner adds this fragment of JavaScript code to every page of the website.


Google Analytics

How do I setup G-Analytics?

To find the tracking ID and code snippet:

  1. sign in, to your Analytics account.
  2. click Admin.
  3. further, select an account from the menu in the ACCOUNT column.
  4. now, select a property from the menu in the PROPERTY column.
  5. further, under PROPERTY, click Tracking Info > Tracking Code.

Hey! Confused about how to track traffic on your website and its source? Well, Google Analytics can help you here in a better way. Google Analytics e-commerce facilitates the tracking of sales activity and performance. The e-commerce reports tell you the transaction of the site, revenue, and many other commerce-related metrics.


Google Analytics


Real-Time Data

If you want to know about the activity of your app, Google analytics help you with the more real-time data. It lets you know what is going on in your app in an efficient way. You can get the details of active users in the past 30 minutes. One more benefit it delivers is that you can check top events of conversion logged by the app.

Latest Release-

It lets app developers track the adoption and stability of new app versions within a few hours of release. Also, you can check out your user’s level of engagement. Further with the help of this, you can see which user has adopted the latest version.

Great Analytics-

Users get great app-centric reporting and analysis they are used to for iOS and Android.

How can I monitor traffic on my website?

  1. Step 1: Link an Analytics account to your site. Now, for tracking traffic to your site, link a Universal Analytics account to your page. Then go to the Analytics site. …
  2. Step 2: Turn on its tracking for your site. Then open your website on Google Sites. Further, click More options Manage site.

Google Analytics

How do I sign up for Google Analytics?

To create an Analytics account follow these steps:

  1. Clicking here will direct you to Google Analytics.
  2. After signing in to your Google account, click Access Google Analytics.
  3. Further, click Sign up.
  4. Now, fill in your Account Name, Website Name, Website URL. Then select an Industry Category and Reporting Time Zone.

Moreover, by using it users can now review online campaigns by tracking landing page quality and goals. These goals may include sales, lead generation, viewing a specific page or downloading a particular file. Its analysis easily determines poorly performing pages.

Want to know about Google Analytics & it’s working?

The account holder generates this code and further places it into the HTML back end of their site.

How would I get my GA account ID?

Tracking ID and property number. The tracking ID is a string like UA-000000-2. It must be included in your tracking code to tell Analytics which account and property to send data to.

Google Analytics

How do I add a site to this facility?

Step 1

  1. Go to analytics and click on Access Analytics at the top right.
  2. Once you are logged in. Then click on Admin at the top.
  3. On the middle Property column, click on the drop down and then create a new property.
  4. Further, fill in your website details and then click Get Tracking ID button.

New Tools for managing Google Analytics users:

⇒ You can now manage all your users centrally. If you have many accounts and need to add users to them, you will see huge time-saving.

For example: Previously, giving new teammate access to many accounts was very tedious. You had to visit every account to get them set up. Now you can complete this task from one place.

⇒ Also you can view rich cross product and cross-account details for your users.

⇒ Further you can manage access of the user to many Google Analytics account at one time.

⇒ Also, you can check out new updates about how a user inherits his permissions.

⇒ Further you can get the clear in-product explanation of different access levels and privileges.

Google Analytics

Generally, organization administrators need to manage access for hundreds of users. This process can be very slow and tiresome. Especially when you have to manage multiple accounts.

But now, you can more easily manage large teams of users by creating a group.

You have to place appropriate people inside it.

Oh yes! Proceed to give the groups access but to the suitable analytics account.

Also, you can place group inside the group if you want to manage the hierarchy of teams.

For starting this, you will need to create an organization.

So, these new features give enterprise-grade control to your organization.

Additionally, these features give the scope for improvements in the future.

Such as bringing centralized user management and user groups to more products.